PLATON bilateral collaboration betweenthe Lab of geometric & algebraic algorithmsand COPRIN group of INRIA |
![]() Elias Tsigaridas, Thanos Kakargias,
13-20.10.04. David
Daney and Sylvain
Pion (Geometrica group) visited Athens. David Daney gave a seminar
on Calibrating parallel robots. The collaboration included the following
students of Univ. of Athens: Elias
Tsigaridas, Nondas Fritzilas, Thanos Kakargias.
The main themes of collaboration were: calibration of parallel robots,
calibration with additional distance contraints, robot kinematics under
inexact distance constraints, over-constrained polynomial systems.
May '05. Elias Tsigaridas visits COPRIN. Themes included real solving in C++ and over-constrained polynomial systems in Maple.
3-13.9.05. David Daney visited Athens. David Daney gave a seminar on Calibrating parallel robots. The collaboration included the PhD students, George Tzoumas and Elias Tsigaridas. The main themes of collaboration were: calibration with additional distance contraints for planar robots, over-constrained polynomial systems with resultants and/or optimization techniques.
12-15.9.05. David Daney, Elias Tsigaridas and George Tzoumas participated in the conference CASC, co-organized by Ioannis Emiris.
4-9.12.05. D. Daney and Y. Lebbah (Oran, Algeria) (talk) visited Athens and participated in the Workshop on "Parallel Robots, interval arithmetic and optimization" organized at the Dept. of Informatics. The Workshop was followed by discussions with engineers working in greek robotics companies.
Feb. 2006: I.Emiris visited INRIA Sophia-Antipolis, worked on calibration and wire robots.
Feb. 2006: Joint publication "Calibrating parallel robots: on the elimination of pose-dependent parameters", by D. Daney, I. Emiris, Y. Papegay, E. Tsigaridas, J-P. Merlet. In Proc. Europ. Conf. Mechanism Science (Eucomes), Innsbruck, Austria.
July 2006: Christos Syrseloudis visited INRIA for 10 days, worked on parallel robots, calibration and design; also interval analysis methods for these problems.